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Skripsi: Persepsi siswa terhadap keselamatan kebakaran di SMK Analis berbasis kimia Kota Bogor tahun 2019

TAHUN 2019
Weni Ratna Sari Dewi1
1. Program Studi S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat, STIKes Mitra RIA Husada, Jakarta Timur
Email :
Kebakaran senantiasa menciptakan kerusakan infrastruktur dan tidak jarang menimbulkan korban jiwa. Sebagai
upaya untuk meminimalisir korban akibat kepanikan bencana kebakaran, dibutuhkan study untuk melihat
bagaimana seseorang memandang kebakaran secara komprehensif melalui lingkungan fisik, social dan budaya
dengan Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi antara siswa terhadap
keselamatan kebakaran di SMK Analis berbasis Kimia kota Bogor Tahun 2019.Metode Penelitian bersifat
deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah Siswa SMK Analis Berbasis Kimia : SMK YKPI
Bogor, SMAK Bogor dan SMK Nusa Bangsa. Hasil penelitian persepsi siswa terhadap keselamatan kebakaran di
SMK Analis Kimia Kota Bogor Tahun 2019 menunjukan bahwa rata-rata siswa menyatakan lingkungan SMK
Analis Kimia Bogor aman. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah usahakan agar pihak sekolah memasang alarm
kebakaran sehingga bisa mempercepat respon siswa jika terjadi keadaan darurat (kebakaran) disekolah,selain itu
usahakan agar pihak sekolah atau guru-guru membentuk tim penanggulangan tanggap darurat kebakaran di
sekolah atau di setiap kelas agar mempermudah guru atau siswa ketika terjadi bencana kebakaran di sekolah, pihak
sekolah memasang alarm kebakaran sehingga bisa mempercepat respon siswa jika terjadi keadaan darurat
(kebakaran) disekolah, pihak sekolah mengadakan pelatihan keadaaan darurat (kebakaran) di sekolah, agar siswa
mengetahui tindakan-tindakan apa saja yang harus dilakukan pada saat keadaan darurat (kebakaran).
Kata Kunci : Persepsi, Siswa, Keselamatan, Kimia, Kebakaran
Students' Perceptions of Fire Safety at Bogor
City Chemical Based Vocational Schools
In 2019
Fires always create infrastructure damage and often cause casualties. In an effort to minimize casualties due to
the panic of fire disasters, a study is needed to see how one views fires comprehensively through the physical,
social and cultural environment. The purpose of this research is to find out perceptions between students on fire
safety in Bogor Chemical-based Vocational School in 2019 .The research method used was descriptive
quantitative with the population in this study were Chemistry-Based Analyst Vocational Students: YKPI Bogor
Vocational School, Bogor State Vocational School and Nusa Bangsa Vocational School.The correlation technique
used in this study is the Pearson product moment correlation, for internal validity item analysis will be used. The
results of the study of students' perceptions of fire safety at the Bogor City Chemical Analyst Vocational School in
2019 showed that the average student stated that the environment of Bogor Chemical Analyst Vocational School
was safe. Suggestions in this study are to try to get the school to install a fire alarm so that it can accelerate the
response of students in the event of an emergency (fire) at school, before using chemicals, the school or the
teachers form a fire emergency response response team at school or in each class to make it easier for teachers
or students during a school fire disaster, the school installed an emergency alarm so that it could improve students'
responses in the event of an emergency (fire) at school, the school held an emergency training (fire) at the school,
so that students knew what actions should be taken during an emergency (fire)
Keywords: Perception, Students, Safety, Chemistry, Fire


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